Related Topics:

A Note About Confidence Bounds

Data Entry Tips for Functions

Selecting a Function and Making the Other Required Inputs

To use the Function Wizard, follow these steps:

  1. Select the function.
  2. Select the data source, if applicable.
  3. Make the other required inputs.
  4. Insert the function.

Select the Function

The Function Category drop-down list displays the functions that can be used.

If you are using the Function Wizard with a general spreadsheet or analysis workbook, you will be able to insert Data Source Functions (which return values based on the analysis in a specified data source), Mathematical Functions (which are independent of the data source and provide functionality similar to Microsoft Excel) and Simulation Functions (which return values based on the analysis of a specified simulation diagram; these functions are available only in BlockSim).

If you are using the Function Wizard with a Word report template, the following function types are available:

You can select to either display only one kind of function in the function list or display all functions in the function list.

The Function List displays the available functions in alphabetical order based on your selection in the function category drop-down list. Each function that is available in the Function Wizard is described in Function Wizard Functions.

Click a function to select it. The area on the right side of the Function Wizard displays a description of the selected function. This description includes a model of the syntax required to use the function and information about what the function returns. In spreadsheets optional parameters are denoted by brackets.

Select the Data Source

For data source functions in analysis workbooks and general spreadsheets, and for most of the functions in Word report templates, you will need to select which of the available data sources you want to link to for any particular function. For Weibull++ and ALTA, the available data sources include the data sheets in all standard folios, degradation folios and non-parametric LDA folios in the current project; for BlockSim, the available data sources include the diagrams in the current project. In BlockSim note that the results model used for the data source is specified in the Report folio model field on the Analysis Settings page of the diagram control panel. For analytical diagrams, you can base report results on either the analytical results or the fitted model; for simulation and phase diagrams, you can base report results on either the simulation results or the fitted model.

Tip: Before selecting a data source, you should first think about how you want to use the data source. If you want to ensure that the report always returns the result from a specific data source, you should explicitly use that data source. If you anticipate that you will be reusing the data source, such as in a template, you should use one of the default data sources which can be changed on-the-fly.

To select a data source, do one of the following:

Note: The Data Source Index list is the only option that is available for Word report templates.

Note: The Data Source field is the only option that is available for general spreadsheets.

IMPORTANT: While you can select any data source to use with any function that requires a data source, you will not get a result if the data source is the wrong type. For example, if you use the ACCELERATIONFACTOR function, which is an ALTA function, with a Weibull++ data source in a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet will return "This function is not available for Weibull++ data sources." while in Word report templates, the generated Word document will return "N/A" as the function result.

Make the Other Required Inputs

Some of the functions available in the Function Wizard do not require input and some do. If you select a function from the Function List that does require input, then the appropriate input boxes will become available in the Input area, as shown next.

In this example, reliability is a required input and confidence level is an optional input, which is denoted by enclosing the input in brackets. You can enter values in these fields or click the Insert Workbook Reference icon to insert a reference to the cell currently selected in the sheet. Note that you can move the cursor in the sheet while the Function Wizard is open, which enables you to select any desired cell.

Note: Pressing CTRL while clicking the Insert Workbook Reference icon inserts an absolute reference to the currently selected cell, as shown here.

Tip: For information on the accepted text formats for dates and times, as well as other guidelines, refer to the Data Entry Tips for Functions topic.

Setting the Stress Level with ALTA Data  

For some ALTA data source functions in spreadsheets you must enter one or more stress levels in the Input area. The number of stresses to be entered in such cases depends on the number of stresses used in calculating the data sheet. The functions that require stress level inputs are those where the results can change depending on the given stress value (i.e., the result returned by the ACT_ENERGY function does not change based on the stress values while the result returned by the RELIABILITY_S function does depend on the stress values).

In ALTA PRO, if cumulative damage was used to calculate the parameters in the selected data sheet, then independent check boxes will appear beside each stress level input, as shown next.

Select the check box if you want to use the stress level as defined in the stress profile. The input field will become a drop-down list, allowing you to select any stress profile in the project to use as the input value.

Insert the Function

You can add the function to the spreadsheet or Word report template by clicking Insert.


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