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Analysis Workbooks

Defining a Name

You can define a variable name for a cell, for a function, for a sheet in any standard folio in the Weibull++ or ALTA project or for a BlockSim diagram. These variable names will be available for use in any sheet within the current analysis workbook or for any a general spreadsheet within the current Weibull++ or ALTA standard folio. To define a name, choose Sheet Options > Format and View > More Settings > Define Name. (In analysis workbooks, you can click the Define Name icon on the control panel.)

The Defined Names window will appear and displays a table of all defined variable names for the current analysis workbook or standard folio. You can type the definition manually or you can choose to set it automatically. Clicking Active Cell(s) defines the variable name to the currently selected cell(s) in the sheet. Clicking Data Source opens a window where you can select a sheet in any available analysis as the definition of the variable name.

To refer to a cell or sheet with a variable name, you can type the name into the cell as a formula, (e.g., if the name is "Test" then type =Test into the cell). Variable names can also be used as input for functions. For example, if "Cell" is a variable name representing a cell, =COS(Cell) returns the cosine of the value of that cell. If "Sheet" is a variable name representing a sheet, =DISTR(Sheet) returns the distribution used by that sheet.

Note that a defined variable name cannot contain special symbols (e.g., ! < > = ; / \ ~ @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + - [ ] or quotes or commas). Additionally, if your regional settings use a comma as the decimal separator, a semicolon must be used to separate function arguments (e.g., =RELIABILITY("Folio1!Data 1";A4)).


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