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Word Report Templates

The software provides Word report templates, which give you the ability to generate data and results and to create customized Word reports to display these results. You can use the Word report template to create a professional looking report, complete with a customized header and footer and plots and analyzed data that are created on-the-fly based on the latest analysis of the associated data sources. Once you have created a template, you can change the associated data sources and create a different report. This allows you to create one template, then quickly generate different reports simply by changing which analyses the report gets its data from.

You can add a new Word report template to a project by choosing Insert > Reports and Plots > Word Report Template.

Report Templates Wizard

When you create a new Word report template in an existing project, the Report Templates Wizard will appear.

Selecting a default data source allows you to create a custom report that can be applied to other analyses as it populates the Data Source Index drop-down list in the Function Wizard that you can use when building functions.


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