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Custom Analysis/Report Example


ReliaSoft’s Synthesis-enabled applications provide several options for performing customized analysis and generating reports that meet your specific presentation requirements.

You may prefer to use this reporting tool if you want to have a spreadsheet-type report that includes absolute references to specific analyses. You may also prefer to use this reporting tool if you will be performing complex mathematical calculations.

You may prefer to use this reporting tool if you want to have a more polished, professional looking report that can easily be reused just by changing the referenced data sources.

You may prefer to use this reporting tool if you are performing custom calculations based on the data sheets in the same folio and you wish to keep the analyses together with their source data.

Linking Multiple Data Sources with Different Time Units

If you are linking to multiple data sources in a report, and those data sources use different time units, you must be aware that the software displays each result in the units by its data source. If you wish to compare the results from multiple data sources that use different units, there are two possible scenarios:

Tip: If you want to keep the original data source as-is, you could create a copy of the data sheet, then convert the duplicate data sheet to use the new units.


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