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Analysis Workbooks


Analysis Workbook Control Panel

The analysis workbook uses the functionality of a spreadsheet, including formatting, calculation options, cell protection, defined variable names and the ability to create customized plots and graphs using the Chart Wizard. In addition, you can use the options in the control panel to control how the analysis workbook is displayed and printed.

The control panel tools include the following options:

Note that this option is also available from the Sheet Options window.

Tip: By only using default data sources in the analysis workbook, you can quickly display the results from different analyses simply by changing the associated data sources.

Note: In BlockSim, the results model used for each data source is specified in the Report folio model field on the Analysis Settings page of the diagram control panel. For analytical diagrams, you can base report results on either the analytical results or the fitted model; for simulation and phase diagrams, you can base report results on either the simulation results or the fitted model.

The folio tools are arranged on the left side of the control panel:

  Function Wizard opens the Function Wizard, which helps you to build functions in analysis workbook sheets. These functions can return results ranging from mathematical values (e.g., sine, pi or averages) to reliability values based on associated data sheets (e.g., reliability for a given time, MTTF, etc.).

  Spreadsheet View sets the analysis workbook to Spreadsheet View, which displays the grid and the column/row headings.

  Report View sets the analysis workbook to Report View, which hides the grid and the column/row headings, and displays the analysis workbook in the format in which it will be printed.

  Refresh updates the analysis workbook to reflect any changes that have been made to the sheets.

  Edit Defined Names opens the Define Names window which allows you to define a variable name for a particular cell, analysis, or function, or to edit existing defined names for the analysis workbook.

  Select Data Sheets allows you to define or change the default data sources for the analysis workbook. When you click this button a window will appear, which allows you to select up to four analyses in the project.


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