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Diagram Control Panel

The diagram control panel is arranged into groups of related tasks. Each group has its own page in the control panel. Along the bottom of the control panel are icons you can use to navigate to each page, as shown below.

Tip:  There is a horizontal splitter bar directly above the Main button. If you drag it as far up as it will go, all of the pages of the panel will be accessed by large buttons. If you drag it all the way down, all of the pages will be accessed by small icons. Positions in between allow you to use some large buttons and some small icons. See Control Panels.

A description of the settings in the control panel follows.

For a junction block, no information is displayed.

For a node block, the Paths In field displays the number of required paths.

Analytical Area

The Analytical area of the control panel displays the status and results of the analysis.


The tools frequently used in diagrams are:


Analyzes the relationships of the components in the diagram and puts the reliability-wise configuration into a mathematical formula.


Creates a plot based on the analysis results. Clicking the Plot icon before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then plot the data.


Opens the Quick Calculation Pad (QCP), which allows you to obtain reliability results based on the algebraic solution for the diagram. Clicking the QCP icon before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then open the QCP.


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