Related Topics:

Diagram Appearance

Arranging Blocks

Diagram Style Window

Connector Style Window

Block Style Window

You can customize the appearance of a block or annotation using the Block Style window. Changes made in this window will apply only to the current block; the Diagram Style window allows you to make changes to all new blocks added to the diagram as well as to all current blocks in the diagram that are using default settings.

To open the Block Style window, select a block or annotation and choose Diagrams > Format & Style > Edit Block > Block Style.

The Block Style window consists of two tabs, which are presented next.

Block Style Window Block Tab

The Block tab of the Block Style window allows you to specify the appearance of the block itself and of the caption associated with the block. You can customize the following:

To use the default settings for the Location and Alignment properties, as specified in the Diagram Style window on the Defaults > General page for the current block type, choose the Diagram Default option.

Block Style Window Image Tab

The Image tab of the Block Style window allows you to specify the image that is displayed on the block, if any.

To change the image used, clear the Use Default Image check box. You can then click the Load button to browse for the desired image file. Use the Position drop-down list to specify how the image will be placed on the block. Selecting the Transparency Mask Color check box allows you to choose a color that will be shown as transparent when the image is displayed on the block.

Click the Clear button to remove the loaded image and use no image at all.


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