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To add or edit a profile from the Project Properties window, click the Add or Edit icon at the right side of the Select Profile from Library drop-down list on the General tab.
To open the window from the Profiles/Library Manager, click the Add or Edit button on the Profiles page. The window also will be displayed when you double-click one of the profiles displayed on this page.
A profile is a collection of predefined settings from the active library that can be used to update the configurable settings for any project.
In addition defining the name and, optional description, if you select the Set this as the default profile check box, the profile will be selected by default for each new project that you create when this library is active. Because only one profile can be selected as the default at any given time, selecting this check box for one profile will have the effect of clearing it from the other profile that previously was the default. This window also provides:
General tab
Interface Settings: A drop-down list of all the interface styles that have been defined in the active library. The selected style will be used to determine the data fields that will be enabled in the project, the options from configurable drop-down lists, the method of risk assessment, the order of the columns in analysis worksheets and other configurable preferences.
Severity Class: A drop-down list of all the severity rating scales that have been defined in the active library. The selected scale will be used to set the options that are available to rate the severity classification for the failure modes in each criticality analysis within the project.
Failure Probability: A drop-down list of all the occurrence rating scales that have been defined in the active library. The selected scale will be used to set the options that are available to rate the failure probability for the failure modes in each criticality analysis within the project.
Severity Scale: A drop-down list of all the severity rating scales that have been defined in the active library. The selected scale will be used to set the options that are available to rate the severity for the effects in each FMEA within the project.
Occurrence Scale: A drop-down list of all the occurrence rating scales that have been defined in the active library. The selected scale will be used to set the options that are available to rate the likelihood of occurrence for the causes in each FMEA within the project.
Detection Scale: A drop-down list of all the detection rating scales that have been defined in the active library. The selected scale will be used to set the options that are available to rate the likelihood of detection for the causes in each FMEA within the project.
Risk Discovery tab
You can use either risk discovery questions or risk discovery ratings in a project. Select an option, then use the drop-down list to select which of the available options to use.
Risk Discovery Questions: A drop-down list of all the risk discovery question sets that have been defined in the active library. The selected set of questions will be used on the Questions tab for each Risk Discovery analysis within the project.
Risk Discovery Ratings: A drop-down list of all the risk discovery rating sets that have been defined in the active library. The selected set of factors and ratings will be used on the Ratings tab for each Risk Discovery analysis within the project.
Tasks tab
FEC Logic: A drop-down list of all the failure effect categorization (FEC) logics that have been defined in the active library. The selected FEC logic will be used in the Failure Effect Categorization window for each effect record within the project.
Task Selection Logic: A drop-down list of all the task selection logics that have been defined in the active library. The selected logic will be used in the Maintenance Task Manager window for each cause record within the project and will determine the types of tasks that can be defined (e.g. failure finding inspection, on-condition inspection, repair/replacement, etc.).
Note: For any given profile, if you have chosen a task selection logic that presents different questions depending on the failure effect categorization then you must choose a failure effect categorization logic with the same number of categories. If the logics do not match, a message will be displayed when you attempt to save the profile.
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