Print Preview

The Print Preview window for all plots can be accessed by clicking the Print Preview icon on the Plot Viewer control panel or by clicking Preview in the Print window.

Depending on your screen resolution and screen size, the print preview of the workbook or plot may be missing some lines. However, the lines will appear on the printout.

The toolbar in the Print Preview window contains quick access icons that activate different commands. It also allows you to enter the number of the page that you want to appear in the Preview Area in the Current Page input box. For example, if you enter 2, then the second page of the workbook/plot will appear in the Preview area. The toolbar also contains the following tools:

   Page Setup opens the Page Setup window.

   Print sends the current document or sheet to the printer.

   Single Page Layout displays one page in the Preview area.

   Double Page Layout displays two pages in the Preview area.

   Four Page Layout displays four pages in the Preview area.

   Nine Page Layout displays nine pages in the Preview area.

Depending on your screen resolution and screen size, the print preview may be missing some lines. However, the lines will appear on the printout. The print preview will display the correct positioning and location of the data on the preview. The page orientation of the print preview depends upon the orientation selected on the first page of the Page Setup window (i.e., portrait or landscape).


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