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Print Window

You can print plots directly from the Plot Viewer by clicking the Print icon on the Plot Viewer control panel.

Before printing a plot, you can set the printing properties in the Page Setup window by clicking the Print Preview icon on the Plot Viewer Control Panel to open the Print Preview window and then clicking the Page Setup icon to open the Page Setup window. The Page Setup window allows you to set the margin properties and the orientation of the printed page and to change the printer options.

When printing pareto (bar) charts, it is recommended that you set the orientation of the printed page to landscape. When the orientation is set to portrait, the chart may appear stretched.

When printing pie charts with the orientation set to portrait, the pie details, legend and user information may be cut off on the printed page because the chart is too wide to fit the page. If this occurs, change the orientation to landscape or remove the details and/or the legend/user information from the plot via the Plot Setup window.

You can also print plots from RS Draw. Please note that any details that are not fully displayed on the plot in the Plot Viewer will not appear in RS Draw. If this occurs, remove the pie details and/or the legend/user information from the plot via the Plot Setup window.


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