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Universal Reliability Definitions (URDs)

Universal reliability definitions (URDs) are used to represent a set of properties that can include failure behavior and maintenance tasks. URDs are resources that are available for use throughout the project in BlockSim 8, RCM++ 8 and Xfmea 8, and they can be managed via the Resource Manager.

The Universal Reliability Definition window allows you to create, view and edit URDs. It can be accessed from the URDs page of the Resource Manager by choosing Home > Edit > New, by selecting a URD and choosing Home > Edit > View or by double-clicking a URD.

At the top of the window, you can specify the URD name. By default, URDs are named “URD [increment]” (i.e., the first URD created is URD 1, the next is URD 2 and so on). You can replace this with your own name of up to 150 characters, if desired. Users with the "Manage other repository settings" permission can specify how these default names are created in the current database via the Define Default Name Formats window, which is accessed by choosing File > Manage Repository > Define Default Names.

Note: Two views are available for the URD Properties area. The Hierarchical tab displays information about the URD in a standard hierarchical format. Each resource directly assigned to the URD is shown, along with a subset of its properties. This view allows you to specify properties. The Filtered tab displays all resources of a specified type that are associated with the URD, either by being assigned to it directly or by being assigned to a resource that is assigned to the URD. You cannot change which resources are assigned on this tab.

The table contains the following settings to configure the URD:

Information about the creation and last modification of the URD is displayed at the bottom of the window.


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