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Protecting Cells

You can protect the contents of a cell in three ways: prohibiting the cell from being changed by other users; hiding the cell formulas (i.e., the formula is not displayed in the data entry bar when the cell is selected); or both.

Note: By default, every cell has a default setting of Locked applied when the software creates the sheet. This means that as soon as you enable protection, all cells will be locked unless you have specifically unlocked them.

To enable the protection status for selected cells, choose Sheet Options > Format and View > More Settings > Cell Protection to open the Format Cells window.

Note: If cell protection is already enabled and you try to change a cell’s protection settings, you will get an error message. You must first turn off cell protection and then make your changes.

Once you have set the type of protection for the selected cells, you can toggle cell protection on and off in the spreadsheet by choosing or clearing Sheet Options > Format and View > More Settings > Enable Protection.

If selected, cell protection will be activated for any cells that have been defined for protection using the settings specified for each cell. To turn off cell protection, select the option again.


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