Related Topics:

Plot Setup

Plot Defaults Window

Plot Setup: Plot Items Page

The Plot Items page allows you to specify details of the appearance of the points, lines, bars and/or slices on the plot.

The options available on this page will vary depending on the plot style that you are currently working with. The image above shows the options for a line plot.

The following options are available for all plot styles:

For bar charts and pie charts, the following option applies.

For line plots, the following options apply:

Tip: If you find that the software does not use the default plot settings when you create or refresh a plot, then the Override Plot Color setting may be in effect. To turn off the setting, go to the source data sheet of the affected plot and choose [Life Data/ALTA/Degradation] > Format and View > Override Plot Color.

Certain point shapes are drawn using only the border color. These include minus, pike, plus and x-cross.


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