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Features Common to Weibull++ and ALTA

Weibull++ Features Overview

This topic provides a brief overview of the major analysis, data management and reporting capabilities provided by Weibull++.

You can also review an introduction to the Synthesis Platform and a list of what's new in Weibull++ Version 8.

ReliaSoft's Weibull++ provides the most comprehensive toolset available for reliability life data analysis, calculated results, plots and reporting. The software is also packed with tools for related analyses, such as warranty data analysis, degradation data analysis, non-parametric data analysis, recurrent event data analysis (for repairable systems) and reliability test planning.

Standard Life Data Analysis (LDA)

The Weibull++ standard folio supports all life data types and all major lifetime distributions. You can analyze time-to-failure (complete), right censored (suspension), left censored, interval censored or free-form data, entered individually or in groups. Available lifetime distributions and analysis methods include:

If you are not sure which model is appropriate for a given data set, the convenient Distribution Wizard automatically performs several types of goodness-of-fit tests in order to rank the available distributions.

Parameter Estimation options for standard life data analysis include Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), Rank Regression on X (RRX) or Rank Regression on Y (RRY).

Weibull++ also provides Confidence Bounds for parameters, calculated results and plots. Depending on the specific analysis method used, the confidence bounds may be calculated using the Fisher Matrix, Likelihood Ratio, Beta Binomial or Bayesian approach.

The software provides a complete array of Calculated Results and Plots based on the analysis. For life data analysis, this includes:

Degradation Data Analysis

The Weibull++ degradation analysis folio allows you to extrapolate the expected failure times of a product based on measurements that reflect how some performance measure (e.g., increase in crack propagation, decrease in tread depth, increase in vibration, etc.) has degraded for sample units over a period of time. The software offers a choice of the Linear, Exponential, Power, Logarithmic, Gompertz or Lloyd-Lipow models to analyze the degradation data, and generates Degradation vs. Time plots on either a linear or logarithmic scale.

Now in Version 8, Weibull++ also automatically calculates the life data model based on the extrapolated failure times and allows you to obtain calculated results and plots directly within the same folio — no need to transfer or link to another analysis folio!

Non-Parametric Life Data Analysis

Weibull++'s non-parametric LDA folio offers a choice of three methods for analyzing life data without assuming an underlying life distribution: Kaplan-Meier, Simple Actuarial and Standard Actuarial. This folio may be useful when dealing with unknown failure modes, when there is not enough data to assume a life distribution or when the data set does not fit any life distribution in a satisfactory way. Now in Version 8, Weibull++ also performs a parametric analysis directly within the same folio using the unreliability estimates that are generated by the non-parametric analysis.

Warranty Data Analysis

Weibull++'s popular warranty analysis folio converts warranty claims data (sales and returns) that are readily available in many organizations into failure/suspension data sets that can be analyzed with traditional life data analysis methods. You can use this analysis to better understand the failure behavior of products in the field and to generate forecasts of future returns that will be covered under warranty. The software provides a choice of data entry formats to fit your particular needs: Nevada Chart, Times-to-Failure, Dates of Failure or Usage. The folio provides all of the special options you need to analyze the data in a way that’s appropriate for the available data and your organization’s warranty fulfillment practices. For example:

Convert Maintenance Event Logs to Failure and Repair Data

Weibull++ provides a specialized folio designed specifically to capture system failure and repair data in an event log format like those commonly used in the machine tools and other industries. If you have a log that records the date/time when a system downing event occurred and the date/time when the system was restored to operation, the software converts this information to time-to-failure and time-to-repair data that can be analyzed with life data analysis techniques. Some useful options in this folio include the ability to:

Recurrent Event Data Analysis (RDA) for Repairable Systems

The failure behavior of repairable systems is dependent on the history of repairs, and therefore traditional life data analysis methods (which treat failure data as independent and identically distributed) are usually not applicable. To provide the appropriate analysis treatment for such data, Weibull++ offers two analysis folios that can be used to analyze recurrent event data from repairable systems.

Reliability Test Design

Version 8 offers a new Test Design Assistant that helps you select which reliability test design tools will meet your specific needs.

Target Reliability Estimator

Choosing an optimal reliability goal involves deciding on important trade-offs. For example, higher reliability typically requires higher production costs, but higher reliability will typically also lead to lower warranty costs and higher market share. The new Target Reliability Tool generates multiple plots that will help you select a target reliability that will minimize cost, maximize profit and maximize the return on an investment that affects reliability.


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