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Time Bounds at Probability Table

Description: Returns a table containing the 1-sided time bounds based on a range of probabilities of failure.

Field Format: [TBLBOUNDSTIMEATPROB(Source Number)(Start PF; End PF; Increment; Confidence Level)]




Probability of Failure Lower Bound (10%) Time Upper Bound (10%)
0.1000 183.198038 288.083581 546.870221
0.2000 292.931795 424.868563 679.740487
0.3000 390.136227 541.642782 784.875315
0.4000 482.980800 652.350579 883.680163
0.5000 575.528081 764.028315 986.627836
0.6000 671.032606 882.803557 1102.486070
0.7000 773.446222 1016.857046 1242.391134
0.8000 889.788586 1181.749521 1427.354638
0.9000 1039.555711 1422.512474 1719.343392


Note that these values will vary depending on the source data set.


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