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Reliability Bounds Table

Description: Returns a table containing the 1-sided reliability bounds based on a range of mission end times.

Field Format: [TBLBOUNDSREL(Source Number)(Start Time; End Time; Time Increment; Confidence Level)]




Time Lower Bound (10%) Reliability Upper Bound (10%)
100.0000 0.960144 0.986443 0.999788
200.0000 0.885952 0.949265 0.997278
300.0000 0.793003 0.892311 0.987997
400.0000 0.689505 0.819874 0.966176
500.0000 0.581530 0.736674 0.926159
600.0000 0.473934 0.647515 0.864420
700.0000 0.370801 0.556917 0.781810
800.0000 0.275737 0.468809 0.684794
900.0000 0.192073 0.386325 0.583648
1000.0000 0.122852 0.311698 0.487698


Note that these values will vary depending on the source data set.


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