Related Topics:

Event Log Data Folio

Event Log Data Analysis Example

Consider a simple system comprising two components of interest for analysis purposes: a motor and a pump. When the motor fails, the pump also stops operating and the entire system is shut down for repairs. However, when the pump fails, the motor continues to run. The system operates from 8 AM to 5 PM seven days a week.

The following table shows the maintenance log. System monitoring started on January 1, 2010 at 12 PM and stopped on March 18, 2010 at 1 PM. The system had been in operation for some time before the log began but information for events prior to January 1 is not available.

  Event Type System Failed System Restored Component
Date Time Date Time
1 Failure Jan-02-10 4:00 PM Jan-02-10 7:49 PM Pump
2 Maintenance Jan-09-10 8:30 AM Jan-09-10 10:43 AM Motor
3 Failure Jan-10-10 9:13 AM Jan-10-10 7:48 PM Motor
4 Inspection Jan-12-10 3:26 PM Jan-12-10 6:46 PM Pump
5 Failure Jan-13-10 4:56 PM Jan-13-10 5:21 PM Pump
6 Maintenance Jan-15-10 1:16 PM Jan-15-10 4:39 PM Motor
7 Failure Jan-20-10 1:38 PM Jan-21-10 7:15 PM Pump
8 Failure Jan-25-10 10:32 AM Jan 27-10 10:47 PM Motor
9 Cleaning Jan-28-10 11:31 AM Jan-28-10 12:00 PM Pump
10 Failure Feb-02-10 2:38 PM Feb-02-10 7:11 PM Motor
11 Inspection Feb-08-10 3:51 PM Feb-08-10 8:22 PM Pump
12 Failure Feb-12-10 4:42 PM Feb-13-10 9:59 AM Pump
13 Cleaning Feb-17-10 2:47 PM Feb-17-10 7:13 PM Motor
14 Maintenance Feb-25-10 4:31 PM Feb-25-10 5:00 PM Pump
15 Failure Feb-28-10 9:00 AM Feb-28-10 3:10 PM Motor
16 Failure Mar-01-10 10:16 PM Mar-01-10 10:43 AM Pump
17 Inspection Mar-02-10 3:14 PM Mar-02-10 9:11 PM Pump
18 Failure Mar-12-10 8:46 AM Mar-12-10 9:20 PM Motor
19 Failure Mar-13-10 4:45 PM Mar-13-10 5:13 PM Pump
20 Maintenance Mar-15-10 9:36 AM Mar-15-10 10:02 PM Motor


The objective is to analyze each component and obtain the failure and repair distributions for all recorded events.

The following figure shows the completed data sheet and control panel setup.

In this example, rows 11 to 14 display the failure and repair distributions for each component due to each type of event. Rows 18 to 21 display the total uptime and downtime for each component due to each type of event.

This automatically creates a new Weibull++ standard folio within the project. The folio will contain separate data sheets for the failure and repair data. The following data sheet shows the failure data for the motor component.

The [F] indicates an analysis of the failures, while [E] is an analysis of the general events (note that a combined analysis would display [C]). The [FD] indicates that the data set is for the failure distribution, while [RD] is the data set for the repair distribution.

If you were to fit a 2-parameter Weibull distribution to the failure data of the motor and the pump, and then generate an overlay plot, you would be able to visually compare the reliability of the components, as shown next.


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