Related Topics:

Resource Manager

Advanced Filters

In the Resource Manager, you can click Enable Advanced Filters to gain access to more detailed filtering functionality.

When advanced filters are enabled, a Filter icon will appear when you point to any column header in the table.

Click this icon to see a drop-down list of criteria that you can apply for the currently selected column. Only those resources that use the selected criterion will be displayed in the table.

If no predefined criteria are available or if you want to specify more than one possible value, you can choose (Custom) to open the Custom AutoFilter window, which allows you to specify two filter criteria for the property, in either an "and" or an "or" relationship. For instance, the window shown next will filter the available models to show only the cost and cost per unit time models.

You can apply multiple filters in this way to narrow the resources in the table as needed. Each column that has a filter applied will continue to display the Filter icon in the column header. The filters that you create will appear at the bottom of the table, as shown next.

Click the check box to apply or remove the set of filters. Click the X to delete the set of filters entirely. To delete a single filter from the set, right-click the relevant column header and choose Clear Filter.

You can edit the filters by clicking the Edit Filter button in the filter display or by right-clicking any column header and choosing Filter Editor. The Filter Editor window allows you to modify your filter(s) as needed.

Click any colored element in the window to view a drop-down list of available values. Each group is headed by a logical operator (And, Or, Not And, Not Or), which is shown in red, and expresses the connection between the conditions below it. Each condition is made up of a property that you can filter by (e.g., Model Name, Model Category, Created By, etc.), which is shown in blue, and a relational operator (e.g., equals, is greater than, is between, is any of), which is shown in green. The filter shown here will show only cost per unit time models equal to either $120 per hour or $2 per minute.

To add a condition to a group, click the plus sign beside the group’s logical operator, click the logical operator and choose Add Condition or, with some element of the group in focus, press the PLUS or INSERT key. To remove a condition from a group, click the X beside the condition or, with some element of the condition in focus, press the MINUS or DELETE key.

To add a subgroup to a group, click the main group’s logical operator and choose Add Group. To remove a subgroup from a group, click the X beside the subgroup’s logical operator, click the subgroup’s logical operator and choose Remove Group or, with the subgroup’s logical operator in focus, press the MINUS or DELETE key.


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