Related Topics:

3D Plots

Rotating the Chart

3D Plot Control Panel

The 3D Plot window contains a contains a control panel, which allows you to customize the axes of the plot. The Weibull++ control panel is shown below to the left and the ALTA control panel is shown below to the right. The respective components are explained next.

Select which plot type you want to view in the 3D plot sheet from the drop-down list. The available 3D plots include the likelihood function plot, the pdf plot, the failure rate plot, the reliability plot and the unreliability plot.

Allows you to select the parameters that you want the x-axis and the z-axis to represent and to modify the starting and ending values of the axes. The parameters available in the drop-down box will depend on the distribution used to calculate the parameters in the current data sheet.

Allows you to modify the starting and ending values of the plot. The starting and ending values of the axes that appear here will depend on the distribution used to calculate the parameters.

For Weibull++ folios, the following table shows the possible values for each of the distributions.




Beta, Eta


Mean, Std


Log-Mean, Log-Std


Lambda, Gamma


Mean, Std


Log-Mean, Log-Std


Log-Mean, Log-Std


Log-Mean, Log-Std


Log-Mean, Log-Std



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