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Prediction Tab

The Prediction tab contains commands related to performing a prediction analysis.


  Global Edit opens the Global Edit window, which allow you to apply changes to the properties of multiple items all at once.

  Change Type opens the Select a Component window, which allows you to replace any existing component in the system hierarchy with a different component.

  Link Block opens the Link Block window, which allows you to change the block or system represented by the selected linked block.

Component Defaults

  Save as Default allows you to save the existing property values of a component as the default values, so that when you add the component to the system hierarchy, the component's properties will be automatically populated with the saved values.

  Set to Default allows you to apply the saved default values to any other component of the same type.


  Non-Operational opens the MIL-217 Non-Operational window, which allows you to specify the properties of a block or component during a non-operational phase. This applies only to item analyzed with the MIL-HDBK-217F prediction standard.


  Item Phases opens the Item Phases window, which displays the phases that will be used in the calculations for all the components under the selected block or FIDES standard item .

  Update Factors allows you to automatically update the values of all pi factors that are based on saved evaluations. This command affects all the FIDES analysis in the current prediction folio.

  Process Contribution allows you to adjust the weights used to calculate a value for the process audit.


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