Related Topics:

Publishing Models


In Synthesis applications, models can represent probabilities, durations or costs, either fixed or time-dependent. They are used by other resources to represent the reliability of a component, the duration of a task, the expected cost of a repair and many other characteristics.

Like any other Synthesis resource, you can create or edit models while you’re performing a relevant analysis, and from the Resource Manager. In addition, you can publish models that are based on an existing analysis (e.g., a life data analysis in Weibull++, a diagram in BlockSim, etc.).

This topic describes the properties for both types of models. The interface will vary based on the particular situation.

Naming the Resource

For a new resource, a name will be proposed automatically based on the default naming criteria established for the current database. (See Define Default Name Formats window.) You can replace this with your own name of up to 150 characters, if desired. Remember that the name and identifiers are the primary way in which your team will be able to find the Synthesis resources you need for your analyses.

Model Basis and Status

In published models only, the Model Basis and Status area identifies the analysis that the model is based on. If the published model reflects the latest analysis results, the status is "Synchronized." If the analysis has been modified since the model was last published, the status is "Out of Sync."

Tip: If you have the ability to open the original analysis (i.e., if the required Synthesis application is activated on your computer and your user account has permissions to access the analysis), the Source will be configured as a link and there will also be a Data Source button at the bottom of the window.

Model Category

The category determines where and how a model can be used. If you are using a resource wizard to create a new model, it will be assigned automatically based on what’s relevant for the current field. If you are publishing a model or creating it from the Resource Manager, you must select the appropriate option. Once a model has been created, you cannot change its category.

Model Type

When dynamic models are used outside of these circumstances, they are treated as constant models using the defined initial value of the variable.

Identifiers and History

For manually created models, the Identifiers tab of the properties window shows the following:

For published models, identifiers are shown on the Identifiers tab of the control panel for the associated analysis.

Trace Usage

For an existing resource, a link at the bottom of the properties window indicates how many times it is currently being used. If you need more information, click the link or the Trace Usage icon.

This opens the Dependency Viewer, which allows you to explore both where the resource is being used and what other resources are associated with it.


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