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Import Bill of Materials

BOM Import Templates

An import template is used for importing "bill of materials" (BOM) files into Lambda Predict. It allows you to match the parts data in your BOM files to the properties defined in the prediction standard you are working with, so that your data are imported into the correct fields. Each template is associated with a particular standard. Ideally, if all your BOM files use the same consistent format, you may need to create only one import template per prediction standard.

Note: Examples and step-by-step instructions on how to properly create import templates for both Excel and delimited text files are available in the example database file installed with the software (called "Lambda_Predict9_Examples.rsgz9"). To access this database file, choose File > Help, click Open Examples Folder, then browse for the file in the Lambda Predict sub-folder. The name of the project is "Import Bill of Materials (BOM)."

There are two ways to create an import template:

You can use the following commands in the Import Template window.

 New resets the interface so you can build a new import template. Remember that the *.lp9im file is not created until you save the template.

 Open allows you to open an existing *.lp9im file or *.lp3im file (from previous versions of Lambda Predict) for editing. Remember that the file does not get updated until you save the changes.

 Save saves the template so it can be used in the future for importing any other BOM files. If you are editing a template from a previous version of Lambda Predict (*.lp3im), the template will be saved in the *.lp9im format. By default, import templates are saved in the default documents folder for your computer (e.g., My Documents\ReliaSoft\Lambda Predict 9\ImportTemplates), but you can choose to save the file to any location you desire.

 Save As allows you to save the existing template using a different file name and/or to a different location.

 Add Ignore Column adds the [Ignore Column] field to the Selected Fields area, allowing you to indicate that a specific column in the Excel file should be excluded from the import process.

 Automatic Mapping applies to Excel files only. This command allows you to automatically build a template based on the column headers of the Excel file. Lambda Predict will match the column names found in the Excel file to the properties used in the selected prediction standard. Any column name found in the Excel file that does not have a match will be displayed in red text with an Info icon next to it. To fix this issue, you will need to drag the appropriate property name from the Available Fields area and drop it on top of the unrecognized column name to create a match; otherwise, the data in the unrecognized column will be excluded from the import process.

What's Changed? In previous versions of the software, unrecognized column names were displayed in a separate window. The current version displays the unrecognized columns in red text right within the template, allowing you to easily spot the columns that need your attention.

Standard allow you to choose which prediction standard to associate with the template. (Note that only the prediction standards that are included in your Lambda Predict license will be available.) The Available Fields area will display the properties used in the chosen standard. If you have accessed the Import Template window by clicking the Add icon in the Import BOM window, the prediction standard you are currently working with will be automatically selected.


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