Related Topics:

Application Setup

General Properties

Application Setup Properties Page

The Properties page of Lambda Predict's Application Setup allows you to select which properties will be shown under the General heading in the Properties panel of the prediction folios. The General heading includes those properties that are used to identify a particular item (e.g., name, part number, etc.), as well as block properties that affect the entire system configuration (e.g., redundancy, mission time, etc.). These properties are available for all items regardless of which prediction standard is being used for the analysis. Other properties that are specific to a particular prediction standard and component type are not affected by the settings on this page.

The settings are stored per computer/username, and different users may have different display preferences without affecting the stored data.

Tip: If you are working in the Properties panel, you can quickly hide any of the properties under the General heading by right-clicking the property name and choosing Hide on the shortcut menu. The only exceptions are Name, Quantity, Mission Time, Redundancy and Quantity Required. Those five properties must always be displayed.


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