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Analysis Reports

An analysis report is a spreadsheet that displays copies of analysis results and/or plots for a response that has been analyzed in a standard design folio. The report can display any result that's available in the design folio's Analysis Summary window for the selected response, as well as any applicable plot.

What’s Changed? In previous versions of the software, analysis reports were known as Customized Reports.

Creating an Analysis Report

To create an analysis report, choose Insert > Reports and Plots > Add Analysis Report.

Then choose the folio/response to import the results from and click OK. In the Report Generator window that appears, follow these steps to configure and create the report.

Reusing Settings in the Report Generator

When the Report Generator window is open, you can save the current settings (i.e., report item selections), or load settings that were previously saved.

Then specify the name and location of the DOE++ report file (*.drt) that will store the settings.


Then select the *.drt file that has all the desired settings.

Note: When you load report items from a DOE++ report file, only the items that apply to the selected folio/response will be included in the report.


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