Related Topics:

Function Wizard Functions

Using Functions to Return Confidence Bounds

Function Wizard

The Function Wizard generates a variety of results based on your inputs and, when applicable, a referenced analysis.

To open the Function Wizard from a spreadsheet, choose Sheet > Sheet Actions > Function Wizard.

The contents of the Function Wizard window will vary depending on where you are using it. The following picture shows the full functionality of the wizard in Weibull++/ALTA that is available from analysis workbooks. Similar functionality is available in the wizards for RGA and BlockSim. In DOE++, the Function Wizard does not contain any functions that return results based on existing analyses. Therefore, the Data Source options are never applicable.

There are three steps to use this tool:

  1. Select the function and enter the inputs

  2. Select the data source (if applicable)

  3. Insert the function

Select the Function and Enter the Inputs

First select one of the available functions from the panel on the left side. The list of functions will vary depending on where you’re using the wizard. The Function Wizard Functions appendix provides detailed information on the functions available in each category, for each type of report.

The right side of the wizard displays some information about the function that is currently selected and allows you to make relevant inputs, if any. Note that:

RELIABILITY(Data_Src,Age,[Add Time],[Confidence Level])

The Insert Workbook Reference icon provides a quick way to insert a reference to the cell that is currently selected in the sheet. Note that you can move the cursor in the sheet while the Function Wizard is open. Pressing CTRL while clicking this icon inserts an absolute reference to the currently selected cell.

For more information on data entry tips for reports, see Data Entry Tips for Functions.

Select the Data Source (If Applicable)

When you are creating a function that obtains data or results from an existing analysis in Weibull++, ALTA, RGA or BlockSim, there are two ways to specify the data source. Both options are available in analysis workbooks. The data source name option is used with general spreadsheets and the data source index option is used with Word reports. (This is not applicable for the Function Wizard in DOE++.)

To do this in the analysis workbook’s function wizard, clear the Use Default check box and use the Select button to choose the data source, as shown next. (In the general spreadsheet’s function wizard, you will always need to choose a specific data source.)

To do this in the analysis workbook’s Function Wizard, select the Use Default check box and choose a number from the Data Source Index drop-down list, as shown next. (In the Word report’s function wizard, you will always need to choose the appropriate index from the drop-down list.)

Insert the Function

When the function is fully defined, click Insert to place it into the report at the current cursor location. You can move and/or modify the defined function expression after it has been inserted.

You can also type the function expressions directly in the cell once you are familiar with the syntax. (See Data Entry Tips for Functions.)


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