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Desktop Application Interfaces

Intro to DOE++

ReliaSoft's DOE++ facilitates traditional Design of Experiments (DOE) techniques for studying the factors that may affect a product or process in order to identify significant factors and optimize designs. The software also expands upon standard methods by supporting the reliability DOE methodology, which offers a major breakthrough for reliability-related analyses by providing the proper analysis treatment for life data and any other data where censoring occurs.

DOE++ is also part of the Synthesis Platform, which provides intelligent integration between reliability program activities and tools, while simultaneously facilitating effective information sharing and cooperation between engineering teams of any size. For information about features that are shared by all (or most) of the Synthesis desktop applications, see Working in Synthesis and Desktop Application Interfaces.

To get started learning about DOE++, see New in Version 10: DOE++ or use the Contents panel to navigate to a specific topic.


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