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The following worksheets in the Simulation Results Explorer provide additional reports on the simulation results for the system and individual blocks.
The Block Failure Criticality Ranking worksheet ranks each block by its value for ReliaSoft’s failure criticality index (RS FCI). This is a relative index showing the percentage of times that a failure of the block caused a system failure (i.e., the number of system failures caused by the block divided by the total number of system failures). Note that this relates to all failures, not just downing failures.
The Block Downtime Criticality Ranking worksheet ranks each block by its value for ReliaSoft’s downtime criticality index for each block in the diagram. This is a relative index showing the contribution of the block to the system’s downtime (i.e., the system downtime caused by the block divided by the total system downtime).
The Block Availability Ranking worksheet ranks each block by its availability during the simulation, from highest to lowest.
The Block Failures Ranking worksheet ranks each block by its expected number of failures during the simulation, from highest to lowest.
The Block System Downing Failures worksheet ranks each block by the number of failures of the block that resulted in the downing of the system, from highest to lowest.
The Block Downtime Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total amount of time that the block was down (i.e., not operational) during the simulation, from highest to lowest.
The Block Uptime Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total amount of time that the block was up (i.e., operational) during the simulation, from highest to lowest.
The Block Inspection Count Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total number of inspections performed on the block during the simulation, from highest to lowest.
The Block Inspection Downtime Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total amount of time that the block was down (i.e., not operational) during the simulation due to an inspection, from highest to lowest.
The Block PM Count Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total number of preventive tasks performed on the block during the simulation, from highest to lowest.
The Block PM Downtime Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total amount of time that the block was down (i.e., not operational) during the simulation due to preventive maintenance, from highest to lowest.
The Block OC Count Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total number of on condition tasks performed on the block during the simulation, from highest to lowest.
The Block OC Downtime Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total amount of time that the block was down (i.e., not operational) during the simulation due to on condition tasks, from highest to lowest.
The Block Throughput Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total number of units that were processed/produced by the block during the simulation time, from highest to lowest. This worksheet will appear only if you selected to run a throughput simulation on the Analysis Settings page of the diagram control panel.
The Block Cost Ranking worksheet ranks each block based on the total cost that accrued for the block during the simulation, based on the task, crew and spare part pool costs, from highest to lowest.
The System Event Log worksheet displays information about each system event that occurred during the last simulation. Note that if you are working with a BlockSim 6 file, this worksheet is available only when a single simulation was run. If multiple simulations were run, you must re-simulate in BlockSim 8 in order for this worksheet to be available.
Event # displays a sequential number for each system event that occurred during the simulation.
Time-to-Event: The time-to-event for each system event.
Repair Duration: The repair duration for each system event.
The System Failure Event Log worksheet displays information about each system failure that occurred during the last simulation. Note that if you are working with a BlockSim 6 file, this worksheet is available only when a single simulation was run. If multiple simulations were run, you must re-simulate in BlockSim 8 in order for this worksheet to be available.
Failure # displays a sequential number for each system failure that occurred during the simulation.
Time-to-Failure: The time for each system failure.
Repair Duration: The repair duration for each system failure.
RDA Data displays system up/down data for each simulation. You can click Send to RDA to transfer the data to a Weibull++ parametric RDA folio within the current project. If Weibull++ is installed on your computer, you can then perform parametric recurrent event data analysis on the data set. The parametric RDA folio uses the General Renewal Process (GRP) model to analyze the failure behavior of a repairable system. The GRP analysis method takes into account the effectiveness of repairs on the condition of the system, and models the cumulative number of failures over time.
System ID identifies the system that experienced an event. Here, each individual simulation is denoted by a separate system ID.
Event F or E describes the type of event. An F indicates a failure event and an E indicates that the observation period has ended.
Time to Event indicates the age of the system when the event occurred.
You can set the maximum number of events that can be shown in this worksheet using the Max RDA Data field on the Analysis Settings page of the simulation diagram control panel.
System Downtime Durations shows the duration of every system downtime during all of the simulations.
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